Can’t be black!

We will never have unity. I just don’t see it in our future. And that was something I once wished for always. Unity and peace. Now, all I want is for all the senseless killing to stop. I want to just be able to wake up in the morning and not see another black person murder just for being black. I don’t think it’s asking for too much.

It is no longer safe to be black in America. Scratch that.

It has never been and will never be safe to be black in America.

I don’t care who is president, who the Kardashians are dating, or how much black culture society takes from us.


This morning I woke up to see a new headline:


(Read full story here:

Short version, CHARLEENA LYLES called Seattle police to help investigate a burglary in her home. They get there, ask a couple of questions, (which can be heard on the audio tapes.) about 3:45 into the tapes, they begin saying: 

“Hey get back, get back!” Right before several shots are fired at CHARLEENA LYLES In front of her children. While she was pregnant. And struggling with mental health. 

The police are suggesting the reason for their lethal actions was because they have had previous incounters with CHARLEENA LYLES where she had shown aggressive behavior, when police were trying to take one of her children from her.

Now none of the articles I have read go into details about CHARLEENA LYLES mental health, but the fact that it was something she stuggled with was known. In the audio tape, you can even hear a officer, causally talking about how CHARLEENA LYLES during a different incident said that her and her daughter were going to turn into wolves.(:50 mark on audio) it was said that police definitely had non fatal measures that could have been taken to detain CHARLEENA LYLES.

Black people will always be seen as “less than.” We are expandable and America only wants us all long as we are entertaining them. As long as we are throwing balls into nets and performing on tv, they wanna see us. They wanna watch us. Marvel at us. Everything we do is so fascinating to them. Our hair, the way we talk, our culture. 

Now this is where it get dangerous. There are a couple different reasons and types of people that are dangerous when it comes to the black community. I’m only fining to meantion two here:

The admirers.

The ones that want to be us. Take from our culture and try to pass it off as their own. These are the people who pretend to love black people so they get to pretend to be black. More often than not though, they usually lack actually knowledge about the black community, black culture and black history. They see how beautiful we our and want to take that beauty for themselves. They hear our music and try to mimic the soul we put into it. But replications will never surpass the originals.
The haters

These aren’t just your regular white power hood wearing clan members, or the red-neck, confederate flag loving haters. These are the police officers who “fear for their lives” based only on the fact that you are black. These are the schools that are exspelling black children for wearing their natural hair. These are the co workers who complain about your outfits being “too sexy.” The teachers that tell young black children the only way they can go to college is to play a sport. These are the people that put us down and try to make sure we stay down.
They either love us or they hate us. They celebrate us and kill us all at the same time. They want to be us and have nothing to do with us. But no matter how they feel about us, it will always be dangerous. We will never have peace a freedom in this country. We will never have justice. We will never have unity. I just don’t see it in our future. And that was something I once wished for always. Unity and peace. Now, all I want is for all the senseless killing to stop. I want to just be able to wake up in the morning and not see another black person murder just for being black. I don’t think it’s asking for too much.